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The Salama da sugo

History of one of the typical dishes of Ferrara

Salama da sugo is one of the most characteristic dishes of the gastronomic tradition of Ferrara. Also known as salamina, it is one of the products of Ferrara excellence.

When was the salama made?

We do not know exactly when, for the first time, the salama appears on the table of the rich of Ferrara. Of course, however, this specialty was already known in the fifteenth century, when the city of Ferrara was under the Estense government: in a letter written in 1418 by Lorenzo il Magnifico to the Duke of Ferrara Ercole d'Este, in fact, are mentioned various sausages, including one that looks just like our salama da sugo. Even Ercole d'Este’s son, Ippolito, speaks of a certain 'mortadella di ficcato' in one of his compositions dedicated to good food.

The description of this sausage fits perfectly with that of the
salama da sugo, which becomes, even, the protagonist of another work, entitled Salameide, written in the 1772 by Antonio Frizzi, famous historian, playwright and writer originally from the city of Ferrara.
On the other hand, the people of Ferrara have, for centuries, shown a certain 'affective' bond with this particular dish,
which enjoys a certain popularity also in other parts of Italy and in the world.

In 2014, the salama da sugo is become part of the products with the PGI mark (Protected Geographical Indication), demonstrating how deeply rooted it is in the culinary tradition of Ferrara and the surrounding territories.

What does it consist of?

The ingredients used to prepare this specialty are, mainly, parts of the pig: the cup
neck, bacon, cheek, shoulder, with a minimum addition of tongue and liver. The dough comes, then, seasoned with salt, pepper and various spices, such as cinnamon and cloves, enriched with red wine and stored inside a bladder, obtained from the gut of the pig and tied with string.

The particular processing makes this sausage recognizable and unique in the world: a taste to say the least decided, spicy and fortified, to which, once experienced, it is difficult to give up. Not by chance, the salama is usually consumed by Ferrara, served on a special plate with core, which serves, in fact, to contain the meat (and, if cooked, also liquids) that comes out trimmed.

But what is the best way to taste the salama?

According to local tradition, the most suitable combination is that with mashed potatoes that, with its
neutral flavor, softens the strongest notes of this recipe.
However, there are those who prefer other combinations: for example, with the cream of pumpkin or with a risotto. A glass of full-bodied red wine, such as Romagna Sangiovese or the Lambrusco.

Where can I eat salama?

If you are curious to taste this delicious local specialty, the advice is to stop in
farmhouse in Ferrara and surroundings for a weekend of good food or, why not, in
for a longer holiday. Staying in Ferrara, in fact, you can dedicate yourself to the discovery of
many irresistible specialties and, at the same time, take advantage to spend your days pleasantly
at the beach.

What are you waiting to book in our farmhouse and try the goodness of salama?





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