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Abbey of Pomposa: a place to immerse yourself in Romanesque art

And then discover our farm in Pontemaodino!

Would you like to spend a short holiday in Ferrara?

Looking for the right opportunity to get away from everyday life and take refuge in a place of peace and beauty? Staying in our farmhouse in Pontemaodino, you can immerse yourself in the art, history and traditions of the area. You can discover places and attractions of undisputed charm and admire the traces of a glorious past.

A bit of history

Among the most popular destinations, near Comacchio, there is certainly the Abbey of Pomposa. Originally from the VI-VII centuries, it became an important monastic center after the year 1000: it had, therefore, started a period of great splendor, also due to the presence of figures such as the abbot San Guido and Guido d'Arezzo, inventor of the seven-note music writing system.

What makes the Abbey of Pomposa so relevant, however, is the massive presence of paintings by masters of the time: frescoes and sacred depictions, such as those contained in the Basilica of Santa Maria, inspired by the tradition of Giotto. Or, again, the inlaid marble floor, with beautiful mosaics dating from the period between the seventh and ninth century.

The Basilica is, among all the buildings that make up the abbey, the true artistic, religious and historical hub of Pomposa. On the walls you can admire paintings with scenes from sacred writings, characterized by a strong symbolic and allegorical value, but there are references to the profane, such as the theme of wild hunting and the masnada of Harlequin, taken from the French imagination.

A look at the bell tower - 48 meters high - that stands out over the entire center, then, gives magnificent emotions. The style is Romanesque-Lombard, with the typical windows placed especially on the lower part, which served to lighten the weight of the building. An inscription on a slab gives us the identity of the architect author of the project (Deusdedit) and the year of construction (1063).

Staying in our farmhouse, you have time to visit the place carefully, with a must-see at the Museo Pomposiano, which collects evidence and materials from the complex: ceramics, paintings, parts of frescoes. Also worth a look is the Palazzo della Ragione, where justice was once administered by the abbots of Pomposa.


The Abbey of Pomposa can be visited every day (except Monday), from 8.30 in the morning to 19.30, while Holy Mass is celebrated on Sunday at 11.00. The complex can be accessed free of charge until the age of 18; subsequently, the ticket is 5 euros (full) or 2.50 (reduced, from 18 to 25 years) on weekdays and 3 euros (full) and 1.50 (reduced) on holidays.

In addition, there are regular guided tours (departure at 11.40) of the basilica and museum.




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